Thursday 3 November 2011

The Final Song

After much discussion my group have finally come to a decision on what song we should use for our final piece. We have decided to use a different song to the ones listed because one of our members was absent when we shortlisted songs and was unable to contribute. When she was in for a group meeting she recommended a song called ‘We Won’t Run’ by Sarah Blasko. We all loved the song but couldn’t decide between that or Laura Marling’s ‘Night Terror’. As a result we decided on conducting a survey to see what the public through was a better song. He is our findings. Sarah Blasko’s song had a landslide victory with 6 votes to Laura Marling’s 2. Our volunteer’s commented that Laura Marling’s song was “too slow and didn’t have much to work with however; it was beautifully sung and had a lot of meaning in the lyrics”. Others commented that Sarah Blasko’s song was “upbeat and could be interpreted in many ways”. 


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