Thursday, 15 December 2011

Day two of filming

Today we worked on the introduction to our music video. For this particular scene we did not have to go on location which made it a lot easier for us to pick up anything that we forgot from the media department or to charge anything that died while filming. Luckily this did not happen to us :)
We used the dark room in the art department for this scene as we planned to play around with lights and shadows to make the introduction interesting. At times this was a bit hard as the dark room was not built for filming and as such did not have enough space for us to move the camera around much, however we worked around that flaw and were able to capture some great footage!
Before filming we were told by the art teachers that the professional lights in the dark room were not to be used as some students broke on of them beforehand. Because of this a considerable amount of our plan was hindered. We overcame this by using silhouettes of writing from projector paper to create interesting shots. Yes, I did feel that the coloured lights would've made a great introduction but I am pleased with what we have come up with in the limited amount of time we had to recreate a vital point in our music video.
Furthermore, while filming we were able to shoot some more cut aways in case we needed to fill up any spaces in the video. All in all I think that today’s filming went really well! We got a lot of it out of the way and we can now focus on the more complicated scenes and that will form the middle of the song.

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