Friday, 27 January 2012

Digipack work

We have begun to work into creating our digi pack. This is the album artwork and information that would be provided when buying the album in store or online. We have taken about 40 or so pictures of the artist (me) in the art department dark room, this is because it is designed for photography and allows us to capture a better quality of photographs because of the special lights. We used a range of angles and closeness so we can work with the images in different ways. I have thought of ways we can manipulate the images to create a more interesting cover. For instance one of my favourite websites is, it showcases a range of work from artist, photographer and filmmakers and is updated everyday 24/7. I find it a great source of inspiration and also a great way to see what is out there (… the competition). A particular artist used both photography and dry media to create interesting images. He took photographs of i.e. a face and then manipulated it by drawing over or using Photoshop to make the face look as if it was cut in half, and what was inside were mechanical wires. We can take this idea and develop it into something that can wow the views. For instance change wires into flowers or go one step further and use that idea and change my image into a gradual metamorphosis into a cat or robot…
Another idea, which we were able to draft in a short time, was to use Photoshop and layer over three images that are similar but not the same, so that we can imitate movement.Here are a few of the photographs that we took, these in particular I believe are the best out of the whole lot that we took. 
In addition to these photos we still need to take a lot more and in different locations and think about photographs that do not include the artist as to point of focus.

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