Wednesday, 19 October 2011

Little Red Riding Hood task

For a warm up task before we start to storyboard our ideas for our groups music video piece for the coursework, we were given the story of Little Red Riding hood and were told to storyboard what it would be as a music video. Prior to this we learnt about the three ways in which a music video relates visuals to the song. These are either; illustration such as image of what the lyrics describe, amplification such like illustration but going to the extra mile to add new meaning, and lastly disjuncture, the method in which something completely nonrelated to the song is shown adding new meaning to the whole music video. For the task we were given, we were asked to experiment with disjuncture as it was the hardest one to grasp accurately and professionally. Initially, we were asked to make as many as 30 images for our music video, keeping in mind the conventions of music videos; do just about anything you want. We worked with obscure angles and voyeuristic based shots, making sure that the narrative was ambiguous. After we had completed this we were asked to take away half of the images leaving us with an obscure music video storyboard. By doing this I learnt how to forget all codes of films and TV programmes (that is; consistency, chronology and logic) and apply only those of music videos.

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